F*ck Springsteen
F*ck the Beatles
F*ck Apple Records
...Screw Steve Jobs, too
Screw the cultural touchstones
The sixties icons...
The Byrds' Brains
Claptons' rip-off blues
Hate Asbury
Summer of Stoned Love
The Diggers and Andy's Tomato Soup Whores
F*ck the seventies--
Iggy's Pop bottle
Punk's spiked hair
Seger's Main Street strippers
Burt Reynolds' Smoking Bandits
Coppola and Scorcese's Godfather and Mean Streets
Halter tops and Platform heals
Alman's Bell Bottom Blues
F*ck the Eighties
Ronald's Ray Guns
Mullet hair rock Bands
Prince's Raspberry Berets
Motley Crew Cuts
Bleached teeth and bright Tees
Shopping malls and Japanese cars
Slasher movies on 16mm
F*ck 'em
Screw 'em
Torch the Touchstones
Live in an artless vacuum
Scrub away the past---
Sing! Sing! Sing! and Forget! Forget! Forget!