Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Problems at My Door

Lately I've been bedeviled by badgering beggars at my door asking for money. They say in exchange for a handout they'll shovel my walk, take away my garbage, repaint my white picket fence. I tell them I'm as broke at they are, and besides I live in a fourth floor apartment. I don't mind beggars so much, just dumb ass ones. Better start reading and making myself smart before Mr. Landlord gives up on collecting my back rent and tosses me over the balcony. Who knows, maybe I'll get a job before that time. Then I'll just go door-to-door as a hobby.Could be a good way to meet a better class of people.


Matt McKechnie said...

hey man, cool post. found you thru my bro's blog - the dox. i'll have to check you out more often. feel free to stop by of 365 days of blog this year at gravenrecords.blogspot.com

Anonymous said...

Fantastic new blog face SC.
Fortuntely the blogs have been so good, no need to improve on that.
Only task there is to keep them coming. In this world of people who prefer chemical logs instead of the crackle of a real wood fire, this may be the only online bonfire we get.

Anonymous said...

That last comment was from the Dox, BTW.