More years have gone past then lay ahead
Time goes by, a prompt makes me ponder if I'm old and gone
Am I?
It's time that touches me from the past
It's time that retreats like a winter army
I can't hear music through drowning years
I can't see a clock's hands
Nothing moves me!
Nothing moves me!
I feel those days that weigh on me like heavy stones
I feel those days that are easy like a gentle sea
There are those hours, too, I can't recall,
Like photos from an old roll of film,
I can't unspool them, put them back like threads of black and white
I say when Kodachrome died it took a piece of what is mine
But in the end, these prompts as poems are markers, I see, on an uneasy path that is a life
A 15 Year Revision
4 weeks ago
Love this and this part is wonderful
"I feel those days that weigh on me like heavy stones
I feel those days that feel easy like a gentle sea"
I can feel the angst of the passage of time here.
they can be stones, but to take them and reshape them into something new...though a challenge for me is gratitude for having known such a time as black and white...bkm
time for you to relax, count your blessings, and let go of the past.
lovely reflections.
i think we remember what we do
and when we do take note of what we have forgotten it is a peace we can be in.
i feel old
i feel just like this
i try to let it pass
great tired post.
SC - top poem. You always provide an authentic piece.
The future holds a few tasy brews down at the One Lucky.
Old Ollie
An uneasy path indeed, both ahead and behind. Tread on.
Beautiful reflections, lovely write so nicely done :)
Take care
M.R x
Oooh, I so relate to this one!"Time that retreats like a wintr army" - fantastic line! I relate to not being able to unspool the film.......sigh. Well done.
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