It was early night,
when I sat on the edge of my bed
It's sheets barely made
My whispered words fell like a soft, crazy rain
The promises I made. The promises I made.
When my dreams were young, I envisioned a rendezvous
I promised myself, I'd meet a star someday,
Destiny would carry me with its great wings
Floodlights lighting up a stage
I'd know adoration of millions and a universe of fame
Every night applause would make my silk bed
I'd sing great songs, my life in key, I'd never fly from grace
But the promises I made I never kept,
The enemy of talent and dreams kept me down, self doubt gripped my soul
I was never lit by a stage's flood lights
No one praised my name
I sat on the edge of my bed, and crossed my soul
The Promises I made. The promises I made.
At the same time of night I took the wired threads of passion and held them tight
I watched the sky light up
First the distant stars, then the moons and planets, I bowed to the great galaxies, and rendezvoused with the applause of the Great Milky Way
By dawn my hand would release and make way for a universe's new day
I would lay back on a bed barely made
A 15 Year Revision
4 weeks ago
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