I am a director
A weaver of film noir
In Black and white light turns onto shadow
Details in timeless grain, the title brilliant on lit marquee
Underneath a line snakes, the crowd weaves, money in paper palms
A creaky curtain rises, the trailer begins
Ah, The Feature
Night on Night, Light on Light, Shadows on Shadowy detail
I direct them all: Mitchum, John Garfield, Robert Ryan, his femme
My life is this movie, this dream my life’s work
All the plot is me. This plot as an old poster: smoky gun, taupe
fedora, tear drop crown—brim turned down
Lights, camera, action
End credits, the curtain rises
The crowd follows, snakes home under a yellow light
I am the director, the weaver of film noir
Yes, the actor of other lives
A 15 Year Revision
4 weeks ago
I want to see that flick -- ideally in an ancient family-run theatre that was at one time a cinematic palace. Like the Hollywood on Broadway in Vancouver.
Hey SC, excellently written post! Film Noir is one of my favorite genre's of films! =)
Hi SC, thank you for your comment in my blog. There are poets and there are POETS. You are a POET. All the best, and write on! Mary
A reel-y great poetic tribute to film noir!
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