I know men who wait in alleys
they wait for the night
for the sunrise
they wait with hunger in their belly's
with death in their eyes
they wait till the piss in their pants dry; then they don't smell so bad
sometimes they wait for drugs, or bitter alcohol, or a mother to bring them home
there are days they wait for God's Soldiers, or prayers like a warm bed
sometimes they wait on street corners, or cold sidewalks, or between lines of a poem
A 15 Year Revision
4 weeks ago
Some strong phrases here. I like the flow too.
Most Excellent keep these blog gems coming.
This is a strong poem that has and near underlying hate. It stirs emotions and visuals and thats good. Thanks for sharing.
Great stuff SC. In a way, we are all waiting for the piss in our pants to dry, no?
You really bring people to life, get inside them!
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